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Uganda December 2020

Pastor Drew Macintyre

Greetings beloved of the Lord from Entebbe, Uganda

i just returned from a wonderful week of training a great group of pastors that had come from as far as 8 hours away. That may not seem like far to most of us but when you consider none of these pastors have motor vehicles and the main mode of travel is a worn out bicycle it is quite an adventure. They had to hire someone to bring them to the training center, usually a boda boda (motorcycle) which is also an adventure when you see what the roads are like here, as well as realize most of these pastors do not have the funds to pay for this transportation.

These men ages 21-65 were eager and hungry to know the Lord and His Word more. Each day began at 5:30 am devotions and ended around 9 pm.

On my way back to Entebbe, i had to stop in Kampala to have another Covide test which the Ugandan government requires to exit the country (nothing but a money making scam) i will get my results tomorrow just hours before my flight leaves. Pray for a negative result.

your fellow servant in Christ, drew


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