Greetings beloved of the Lord, i hope that you are doing well and resting in the goodness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
i just returned from another greatly blessed trip to Uganda training a group of pastors in what it is to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.
We went through our first semester Discipleship training class along with the Self Confrontation Manual. They were greatly blessed. My 4 training pastors that assisted me (James, Samuel, Charles and George) did a wonderful job, as did pastor James who faithfully translates for me and oversees the work at the training center.
Though each group has individuals that express thankfulness and gratitude for the training and materials that they receive, this group was the most thankful that i have seen in a long time.
Each participant received a Self Confrontation Book (one of the best discipleship book next to the Bible) and a few other books which will help them grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.
My 4 assisting pastors also received a cell phone that had been programed specifically with many bible programs on them to assist them in their studies along with one pastor receiving a tablet with many programs and teaching videos on it.
All of these items are provided from the gifts that you send and we purchase for the pastors.
A BIG thank you from them and myself to you all.
i am home for 6 days before going to Peru to teach at the Bible College in Trujillo for a week and then return for 2 days before returning to Uganda to train our 13 training pastors in Discipleship 3 and other needed areas.
On a personal note, i would appreciate prayer for being able to get an appointment the few days that i am home now to schedule my right hip to be replaced as well as both of my knees getting treatment in September.
Thank you beloved of the Lord.
your fellow servant in Christ, drew