greetings dearly beloved of the Lord.
i just returned from a greatly blessed outreach in Uganda.
Thank you so very much for praying for us.
We had a wonderful team made up of people from Uganda, Russia, Mexico, and the USA.
We treated nearly 3000 people in the 6 days of clinics that were held in different villages around the central region of Uganda.
There were many suffering people as some of the photos reveal.
We saw a large number of people with Leprosy, one man who had a sever case of Leprosy came to see me in dental and i was able to extract 4 teeth from him and we laid hands on him and prayed for healing.
Many of you were praying for Katarina from Cuba to be able to make it to Uganda but the Lord saw fit to not allow her. So all the dental patients were intrusted to my care. The Lord blessed me with a wonderful team of assistants who were a tremendous help. Elizabeth, Eden, pastor Bill, and Catherine.
Each member of the team performed well and were greatly used of the Lord.
Every person heard a clear presentation of the Gospel from pastors James 1 & 2 .
Gail Beagin who has been involved with Child Evangelism Fellowship for years and was also a nurse teamed up with Agasha Gloria and conducted a children's outreach at each clinic each day reaching hundreds of children each day.
Gail also conducted a one day training seminar at Calvary Chapel of Entebee for those working with children.
i was also able to speak at the 2 Sunday morning services at CC Entebee and conduct a Level one Inductive Bible Study Method Seminar at the church for a day and half.
We are praying about increasing our medical outreaches to Uganda to every 6 months rather than just once a year. Please be in prayer with us about this. The next one would be in October or November.
i leave this friday for Cuba where i will be participating in our annual pastor's conference and will greatly appreciate your continued faithfulness in prayer for me.
your fellow servant in Christ, drew